5 Reasons to Contribute to the Rail Yards Market IndieGogo Campaign

We can all agree that having a community space in a centralized location, beats having an empty warehouse gathering dust.

But to get from this:

Rail Yard Market Warehouse

Warehouse for Rail Yards Market IndieGogo Campaign






To this:

Community Market

Community Market:  Arts,  Entertainment, Vendors





Takes a lot of this:

People working together

Team Work






And this:


Capital i.e. Cash







But we all should know this:

The Benefits of a Community Market

  1. It provides a local, community-centered venue for local artists of all mediums to display their talents and sell their work.
  2. It provides a local, community-centered venue for local craftspeople, local food vendors and local growers to sell their crafts and food.
  3. It benefits the local economy because the money you spend at these events gets recirculated into the local economy.
  4. It renovates the area by driving Social Integration, where people from all walks of life come together and form relationships.
  5. It provides the community at-large access to fresh, healthy, locally grown food.

Of course there are many more reasons for a community market but these are the ones that are close to my heart.

Rail Yards Market IndieGogo Campaign

Rail Yards Market is a grass-roots, non-profit effort relying solely on the time and money generously donated by our community. It is a community organization operating under the the fiscal sponsorship of a 516 ARTS, a certified 501(c)(3). Please contribute to this wonderful, community based initiative by clicking here.

Thank you for your support and please let me know why you believe a community market in Barelas, NM is important.

Alex Paramo is an Author and Co-Founder of Community Publishing. Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as multimedia eBooks while promoting literacy in our communities. #JoinOurCommunity

We are proud to be a community partner in the Rail Yards Market initiative.

2 thoughts on “5 Reasons to Contribute to the Rail Yards Market IndieGogo Campaign

  1. Pingback: Alex Paramo: 5 Reasons to Contribute to the Rail Yards Market IndieGogo Campaign | Community Publishing

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